Product Category : Total Products in this Category: (12884901920)
實木合成地板 Composite Flooring - 紫檀條子 Lapacho
Product Name : 實木合成地板 Composite Flooring - 紫檀條子 Lapacho
Product Code : 046
Update Date : 2009-05-13
Product Details : 實木合成地板是採用木材切刨成薄片,縱橫交錯,多層組合粘結而成,使其木材纖維互相牽扯保持性質穩定。它既有實木地板的自然紋理,質感及彈性,又有強化地板的抗變性,易清理。
Composite Flooring is made of many layers of glued plank .Its grains weav...
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實木合成地板 Composite Flooring - 櫻桃 Germany Cherry
Product Name : 實木合成地板 Composite Flooring - 櫻桃 Germany Cherry
Product Code : 045
Update Date : 2009-05-13
Product Details : 實木合成地板是採用木材切刨成薄片,縱橫交錯,多層組合粘結而成,使其木材纖維互相牽扯保持性質穩定。它既有實木地板的自然紋理,質感及彈性,又有強化地板的抗變性,易清理。
Composite Flooring is made of many layers of glued plank .Its grains weav...
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實木合成地板 Composite Flooring - 櫸木 Germany Beech
Product Name : 實木合成地板 Composite Flooring - 櫸木 Germany Beech
Product Code : 044
Update Date : 2009-05-13
Product Details : 實木合成地板是採用木材切刨成薄片,縱橫交錯,多層組合粘結而成,使其木材纖維互相牽扯保持性質穩定。它既有實木地板的自然紋理,質感及彈性,又有強化地板的抗變性,易清理。
Composite Flooring is made of many layers of glued plank .Its grains weav...
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實木合成地板 Composite Flooring - 楓木 Canada Maple
Product Name : 實木合成地板 Composite Flooring - 楓木 Canada Maple
Product Code : 043
Update Date : 2009-05-13
Product Details : 實木合成地板是採用木材切刨成薄片,縱橫交錯,多層組合粘結而成,使其木材纖維互相牽扯保持性質穩定。它既有實木地板的自然紋理,質感及彈性,又有強化地板的抗變性,易清理。
Composite Flooring is made of many layers of glued plank .Its grains weav...
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實木合成地板 Composite Flooring - 柚木 BurmaTeak
Product Name : 實木合成地板 Composite Flooring - 柚木 BurmaTeak
Product Code : 042
Update Date : 2009-05-13
Product Details : 實木合成地板是採用木材切刨成薄片,縱橫交錯,多層組合粘結而成,使其木材纖維互相牽扯保持性質穩定。它既有實木地板的自然紋理,質感及彈性,又有強化地板的抗變性,易清理。
Composite Flooring is made of many layers of glued plank .Its grains weav...
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強化地板 Laminated Flooring
Product Name : 強化地板 Laminated Flooring
Product Code : 041
Update Date : 2009-05-13
Product Details : 優點:
2.Life地板周邊企口高度精密和採用獨特雙鎖扣拼合系統,使地板堅固而無縫隙 , 整體平整光潔。
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