Eubon Technology Co Ltd

Country : China Taiwan Company Type :
Contact Person : Chao-Fa   Hsu Contact Email : Inquire now!
Tel. : (886 4) 25311454 Fax. : (886 4) 25331367
Web Site :
Address : No.3-2 Chien-Kuo Road T.E.P.Z Tanzih Township Tan Tzu Village Tai Chung Taiwan 427
Main Business

All categories - 15 products

Arms/ammunition & accessories - 1 product

Binoculars - 1 product

Digital video cameras - 1 product

Laser diodes - 1 product

Measuring tapes - 1 product

Optical/laser pick-up units - 1 product

Precision length/thickness/level measuring instruments - 9 products
Eubon Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 1994 as one of the leading manufacturer of digital cameras, laser levels and laser modules.
The Eubon group is composed of five affiliates and has a production plant that occupies over 500,000 square feet, and has approximately 800 to 900 employees. In 2000, their exports exceeded 50 million US dollars.

Eubon Quality and Customer Satisfaction Policy:
The people of Eubon listen to you and understand your need for high-quality product with affordable price to guarantee your business success.