Changzhou Tongda-WK Electronic Co Ltd

Country : China Company Type :
Contact Person : Sophia   Zhang Contact Email : Inquire now!
Tel. : (86 519) 8766621 Fax. : (86 519) 8766620
Web Site :
Address : Furong Changzhou Jiangsu China 213118
Main Business

All categories - 25 products

Electromagnetic buzzers - 5 products

Microphone units - 8 products

Mylar speakers - 4 products

Piezoelectric/ceramic buzzers - 3 products

Raw speakers - 2 products

Sirens, horns & bell boxes - 2 products

Telephone transmitters/receivers - 1 product
Supplier to LG
Buzzers, receivers, microphones, speakers and sirens have been our specialty since 1993. And we serve clients from the US, Europe and Asia, such as LG, DBTEL and Lenovo.
Engineering Support from LG
With engineering supports from LG and Acoustics Study Institution in China's leading university, our 28 R&D staff can develop one new product each month. Our one precision model tooling workshop and two R&D centers in Changzhou and Shenzhen enable us make products according to your specific requirements.

OEM/ODM Capability
With 25,00-square-meter factory plant, our 660 staff can turn out 6,000,000 units of buzzers and 4,000,000 units of mylar speakers and receivers respectively each month. And we have another factory in Shenzhen exclusively manufacturing electret microphones for you.

15 Phases of QC
Equipped with advanced electro-acoustic and environmental testing machines, our 35 QC staff conduct 15 phases of inspection from raw materials to finished products. Working under ISO 9001:2000-certified quality management, our QC specialists attend monthly in-house training sessions and receive instructions from ISO delegates regarding the latest industry practices.

Our branch offices in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Shanghai provide flexible delivery options and make it easier to meet with us in person.

Contact Us
Browse our production showroom and other sections, and then contact us to see how we can help you.