Jieyang Fengxing Stainless Steel Products Co. Ltd

Country : China Company Type :
Contact Person : Lin   Shenqian Contact Email : Inquire now!
Tel. : (86 663) 8737387 Fax. : (86 663) 8738069
Web Site : NULL
Address : Qining Industrial Zone Dongshan District Jieyang Guangdong China
Main Business

All categories - 24 products

Baking trays & pans - 2 products

Chafing dishes & buffet servers - 1 product

Cooking tools & utensils - 1 product

Cookware sets - 10 products

Fish & egg poachers - 2 products

Flatware & cutlery - 2 products

Fondue & flambe equipment - 1 product

Non-electric kettles - 1 product

Popcorn makers - 1 product

Serving tools & utensils - 1 product

Stock/soup/pasta pots - 1 product

Woks - 1 product
You want to receive your stainless steel products in volume numbers - fast. Jieyang Fengxing Stainless Steel Products Co. Ltd can get that job done. How do we do it?
200 staff, 60 machines, 10,000-square-meter workspace
Jieyang Fengxing Stainless Steel Products Co. Ltd can deliver a 40-foot container order to you within one month. How? We have over 200 experienced workers operating 60 sophisticated machines at our own 10,000m2 workshop to process your orders. And we've invested nearly US$2 million on equipment upgrades to increase our production efficiency.

10 experienced designers working on your OEM orders
In addition to its manufacturing capabilities, Jieyang Fengxing Stainless Steel Products Co. Ltd also offers customization services. Our 10-member R&D team has the industry knowledge and can custom develop a wide range of stainless steel flatware, kitchenware and tableware based on your specifications.

These are the reasons why buyers in the North America and Europe source with us. Get our partnership started by contacting us today.